Sugar & Ethanol Asia
Timezone: Asia/Bangkok
Event Time: 2022-09-20 8:00 AM to 2022-09-22 5:00 PM
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
20-22 September 2022
Bangkok, Thailand
In person
Back in Thailand after 2 years, the Sugar & Ethanol Asia conference now in its 15th year will bring together 100+ executives from across the value-chain including sugar/cassava millers, ethanol/biofuel producers, international buyers, traders and industry experts from across the region and the rest of the world.
Make the most of this unmissable opportunity to connect with the regional leaders of the sugar and ethanol industry. Uncover the latest in supply/demand dynamics and trading trends across the Asia-Pacific with specific insights on new opportunities in Thailand, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
In addition to the main conference, join the separately bookable Production & Operations Technology workshop, enabling you to maximise production efficiency, improve sustainability and implement new technologies.
20% discount for Fuels and Lubes readers with VIP code FKB2338FL.
Book now: https://bit.ly/3x0D5Ky