Kazuo Yamamori- JAMA Engine Oil Seminar and Asian Market Survey


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Kazuo Yamamori
Product Manager of Tribology Material
Department, Material Development Division
Toyota Motor Corporation


Engine oil contributes a lot to environmental protection, in particular, the reduction of CO2 emissions. The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) has been developing fuel efficient engines, in the meantime, high quality and low viscosity engine oils is essential. Through the introduction of low viscosity engine oils has started in Asian countries, the penetration is not yet sufficient.

This presentation reviews the JAMA’s activities for promoting fuel-efficient engine oils in the region, namely, the JAMA Engine Oil Seminar.

Besides, the SAE Fuels and Lubricant Division, Steering Committee for Asia has been conducting market survey on engine oil on a biannual basis.

This presentation also reviews quality in the Asian market, as well as changes that have happened in the past.

Key Words:

JAMA, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, engine oils, SAE, Steering Committee for Asia

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