AdBlue® sales in China to rally slowly in the light of tightening Emissions regulations across the country

Addressing environmental issues and improving air quality are thought to be among the key goals of China’s 13th Five-Year-Plan, which is being finalised by the Chinese government.
In 2015, the current China IV emissions legislation came into force across the country with some regions, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, even adopting the more stringent legislation, China V, as a province-wide regulation.

Further to this, in September 2015, China’s Ministry of Environment Protection (MEP) announced that the next stage of emissions control legislation would be issued by the end of 2016 with an aim to reduce nitrogen oxide by 30%. In the meantime, the country’s most stringent emissions legislation, Beijing VI, is reportedly going to be enforced in Beijing by the end of 2017.

It is clear that steps are being taken already to improve air quality in China with plans for the future clearly outlined. However there are still 16.6 million heavily polluting vehicles, known as ‘yellow- labelled cars’, on the road. Because of this, (and other factors such as stationery emissions) China has a long way to go in order to achieve the levels of air quality it is aiming for. Long-running effective legislation enforcement is therefore top priority for the Chinese government.

Due to the recent focus on environmental issues as well as the pursuit of stricter legislation compliance and more sophisticated emissions technologies, it was expected that China’s AdBlue® market would flourish in 2015 with the suggestion of higher demand. This however was not the case. Instead sales have suffered a continuous fall due to an over-crowded domestic market, lack of product monitoring and certification plus the gradual but concerning increase of the informal market. Leading fuel suppliers in China have been investing in infrastructure with a view to more effective AdBlue® distribution, however this investment has stalled due to lower than expected levels of demand.

With the interesting dynamic of tightening regulation yet slow AdBlue® demand, it can be difficult to identify exactly where challenges and opportunities lie in China’s emissions control industry. To help clarify, Integer Research has compiled a free market overview ‘Emissions control in China’ which explores the latest technology and legislation developments across the country, providing key context and valuable insights at a glance.

This overview features research conducted by the conference team for the forthcoming 9th Integer Emissions Summit & AdBlue® Forum China 2016, taking place in Shanghai, China on the 10-12th May 2016. Login/register to our website and download your copy today.

Fuels & Lubes Asia Readers 20% Discount Offer

Integer Research is proud to offer Fuels & Lubes Asia readers a 20% discount to attend the 9th Integer Emissions Summit & Adblue® Forum China 2016. The summit provides the unique opportunity to network with over 250 senior executives from across the Chinese and international on-road and non-road sectors, key legislators and industry leaders.

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