SGS Fujairah extends marine fuel oil testing capabilities
SGS announced that it has recently invested in Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) equipment at its Fujairah laboratory in the United Arab Emirates to assist clients when looking at chemical waste contamination in fuels.
The Fujairah laboratory now has the capability to test marine fuels for a variety of chemical species which suggest contamination of the fuel with chemical waste components.
SGS Fujairah can analyze for numerous chemical species within the fuel oil in question by using the test method ASTM D7845, providing fast and reliable results within 48 hours of sample receipt.
These components, such as styrenes, phenol, glycol and their derivatives, have a direct effect on the vessels’ machinery performance, as well as also being harmful to human health and the environment. Thanks to SGS Fujairah’s increased fuel oil testing capabilities, both onshore purchasers and ship-owners can ensure that their fuel oil meets the requirements.
In an ever-demanding market, and with Covid-19 implications in mind, there is a surplus of fuels in the market. Some of these less suitable fuel types and grades can make their way into the bunker fuel supply chain, which can result in contaminants being present in the fuel.
Contaminated fuel oil has severe knock-on effects, ranging from long delays to significant adverse effects to a vessel’s machinery performance. For example, it can lead to problems like excessive sludging and filter blocking, as well as seizing of fuel pumps.
Stringent rules and regulations have now been enforced in order to combat the increasing prevalence of contaminated fuels. For example, ISO 8217:2017 Specification of Marine Fuels stipulates that all marine fuels must undergo a rigorous series of mandatory tests before it is put to use aboard ships. This standard also discusses contamination by chemical species in “Clause 5” & “ANNEX B”, showing the added benefit of ASTM D7845 analysis.