Neste delivers first-ever renewable diesel by pipeline in France
Neste is collaborating with Altens, a leading French supplier of a complete range of alternative non-fossil fuels for the transport sector, and TRAPIL, the historical operator of pipeline networks in France, to enable the first-ever transport of renewable diesel by pipeline in Europe.
With a pipeline transport, the greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 92% compared to conventional logistics by tanker trucks. The first fuel transport of Neste-produced renewable diesel took place on 28 March 2022 between the harbor in Le Havre, located in northwestern France, and Gennevilliers, close to Paris. This made large volumes of renewable diesel available widely in the region, also in big cities such as Paris.
Altogether 3.5 million liters of Neste-produced renewable diesel was transported by TRAPIL via the pipeline to the depot in Gennevilliers, where Altens stores its products for the region. The distance between Le Havre and Gennevilliers is 192 kilometres via the pipeline. The delivery took less than 48 hours to complete and replaced 110 truck deliveries. The pipeline transport of renewable diesel provides a lower-emission alternative to fuel logistics.
“The use of a pipeline in fuel logistics allows us to ensure the emissions from fuel logistics remain as low as possible. It also plays an essential role in the security of supply, and the greenhouse gas emissions are 35% smaller when compared with transports with electrified rail,” said Altens President Mohamed Bennama.
“We are very happy about this partnership enabling renewable diesel to be transported via pipeline for the first time in Europe. We share the common ambitions with Altens and TRAPIL, with which we were now able to take another step forward in our efforts to reduce the road transport emissions in France,” said Peter Zonneveld, vice president, Sales, Renewable Road Transportation Europe and APAC at Neste.