F&L Asia Announces the Launch of WeChat Official Account in China
HONG KONG, Feb. 2, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — F&L Asia Limited, the leading media publisher in the Asia-Pacific fuels and lubricants industry, has today announced the launch of a dedicated WeChat official account. The launch responds to growing demand for F&L Asia's products in China, and the platform will help the media company increase its penetration within this valuable fuels and lubricants market. The bi-lingual WeChat channel will provide Chinese- and English-speaking customers access to engaging editorial content and the latest industry news and events both globally, and with a specific focus on China.
WeChat is China's largest social media and instant messaging platform, with 963 million monthly active users, and is increasingly replacing written correspondence and e-mail. F&L Asia has identified WeChat as a convenient and expeditious platform to achieve widespread reach across China's vast fuels and lubricants industry.
The WeChat arrival coincides with a realignment of F&L Asia's products over the past 12 months – to place greater emphasis online. As part of this transformation, the company has rebranded industry-leading publication Fuels & Lubes International to F+L Magazine. The magazine will continue to be available in online, digitized and print formats; however the media publisher has also unveiled plans for a dedicated Chinese online version of the magazine. This edition will provide its Chinese audience access to unbiased, quality articles on the latest global trends, issues and developments in the fuels, lubricants and additives industries, on a weekly basis.
"China is a global leader in the fuels and lubricants industry and a highly valued market for F&L Asia. We already place considerable editorial focus on developments in China. This is the right time to offer this new service dedicated to our Chinese readers. We have offered a bi-lingual version of our print magazine previously, but publishing on WeChat means our readers can get immediate access to quality articles on their mobile devices," said Vicky Villena-Denton, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of F&L Asia.
"We hope that through our official WeChat account and our new Chinese online version of F+L Magazine, we can provide our existing and new readers in China greater access to relevant news stories and events, as well as help reinforce our position as the only multi-platform media company in our industry with our annual industry conference, F+L Week, F+L Daily newsletter, F+L Online, F+L Magazine (Digital and Print), and now our WeChat platform."
F&L Asia's WeChat channel can be accessed by searching for username: fuelsandlubes or scanning the QR Code below.
F+L Magazine is available in print, online or in digitized format at https://www.fuelsandlubes.com/fli/. The Chinese online version will be available starting this month.
F&L Asia Ltd. is a pioneer in Asia, having launched the first fuels and lubricants annual conference in the region in 1995 and the first industry publication dedicated to the region in the same year. Unparalleled thought leadership and dedication, fresh and groundbreaking ideas, combined with a stringent quality standard and out-of-the box thinking, as well as global connections, are some of F&L Asia's core strengths and the reason why after 24 years, it retains an unchallenged "first with the latest" industry position.
Directed by industry veteran journalist, Vicky Villena-Denton, F&L Asia has a diverse portfolio of unique and powerful lead-generation tools, which allow advertisers and sponsors to increase their regional, as well as global, brand awareness and help establish, promote and nurture their fluid industry connections. Over 24 years, F&L Asia has developed partnerships around the world that is unprecedented in the industry.
Vicky Villena-Denton
F&L Asia Ltd.
Email: [email protected]
22/F., 3 Lockhart Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone (Hong Kong): +852 3183 4143
Fax: +852 5442 0714
For more information, please, visit our website: https://www.fuelsandlubes.com
SOURCE F&L Asia Ltd.