KERUI Petroleum helps to develop China’s Nitrogen Production Industry Standards
DONGYING, China, Sept. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — The China Petroleum Equipment Committee met in July this year at Nanchang, Jiangxi province, China to review the industry standards. The Nitrogen Production and Injection Units for Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment, which is China's first nitrogen production industry standard, was prepared by KERUI Petroleum and approved by majority vote. The standard specifies the basic product description as type, model and technical criteria including environmental protection and safety design, equipment and accessories for use on offshore platforms; special-use equipment models; and product test.
Meng Qiaoling, who presented the standard on behalf of KERUI Petroleum's oil and gas stimulation equipment division said KERUI Petroleum is a leading provider of nitrogen stimulation services covering more than a 70 percent share of China's nitrogen production market. In preparing this draft, KERUI Petroleum had the opportunity to apply its many years of local and international market experience to create the production equipment standards and improve the Chinese nitrogen industry.
KERUI Petroleum stands up on its corporate vision "Technology Leads the Future, Service Creates Value", and has invested heavily in R&D to align with the current market needs. KERUI has achieved remarkable success at the international level with the continuous development of equipment and services to aid in the exploration process.
KERUI Petroleum's KTMZD(Q)1200 membrane separation nitrogen production equipment can be found in Irkutsk, Russia's extremely cold environment (-45 degrees Celsius). In South America; the company has partnered with Venezuelan and Colombian leading oil producers to provide oil & gas stimulation services including nitrogen gas lift, nitrogen huff and puff as well as pipeline purging and replacement. In the Middle East, the company's 600 type PSA nitrogen production equipment, which has been designed, manufactured and inspected according to ASME standards and has been used with a high performance track record for three years.
This 900 type high-temperature nitrogen integrated operation vehicle uses engine flue gas, assures a high level of safety and low energy consumption. It combines nitrogen production, pressure and heat, and uses a temperature regulator from 50 to 300 degrees Celsius to control nitrogen output. The world's leading new developed technology of PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) has been applied to the marine nitrogen production equipment which is practical, easy to carry, with high performance and can be used not only for natural gas transportation but also in the chemical and medical industries.
As a pioneer and leader in China's nitrogen production industry, KERUI Petroleum hopes to promote the standardization of product design, manufacture and inspection and increase interchangeability of components of Chinese nitrogen plant manufacturing through the "Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment Nitrogen Injection Equipment" standards and norms. The company also looks forward to working with world-class nitrogen production equipment manufacturers to jointly explore how to reduce costs and increase efficiency for customers, and make oil and natural gas more efficient.
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SOURCE Keruigroup