Proposed ASTM standard aims to nimbly determine biodiesel content
Photo courtesy of ASTM

Proposed ASTM standard aims to nimbly determine biodiesel content

A proposed ASTM International standard aims to offer a new way to determine biodiesel content in diesel fuel oil. The standard (WK55232) is being developed by the organization’s committee on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants (D02). It focuses on the use of portable, rapid, mid-infrared analyzers.

ASTM International member Ian Mylrea, research and development manager at Stanhope-Seta, says that the new standard aims to bring a chemistry laboratory to fieldwork.

“The proposed standard could support the use of a handheld, battery-powered device in what is typically a laboratory-based analyzer marketplace,” says Mylrea. “This means that measurements on biodiesel content can be done close to point-of-use quickly and easily.”

Mylrea notes that once the standard is approved by ASTM D02, the committee will seek participants for an interlaboratory study.

ASTM International welcomes participation in the development of its standards. The next meeting of the committee on petroleum products, liquid fuels, and lubricants, is June 23-27, in Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.