Asian Lube Map

Since 2005, F&L Asia’s Asian Lube Map (print edition) has been providing information on Asia’s base oil refineries. The latest print edition also will include lubricant blenders, grease manufacturers, etc.

Furthermore, in addition to the print edition, an interactive map is now available on our website. With this online version, we are now able to expand our geographic coverage globally. In the future, you will also be able to access information about additive producers and distributors, base oil traders, lubricant distributors, etc., on our online version.

If you would like to have your base oil refinery, lube blending plant, or grease manufacturing facility included in our expanded, interactive lube map, send us your information today by clicking on the link below.

If you are an additive producer or additive distributor and would like to be included, please contact us via email.

Order a print copy of the Asian Lube Map!

We are now accepting orders for the latest print edition of the Asian Lube Map. Place your order by clicking the button below.

Advertise in the Asian Lube Map, print or online!

To advertise in the print edition of the Asian Lube Map or in the online edition of the Lube Map, you can request our Media kit or contact us for more information.