FedEx Express expands fleet of energy-efficient vehicles

FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp., will expand its fleet of energy efficient vehicles, by adding 24 new all-electric vehicles into service and doubling its fleet to 43 all-electric vehicles.  In addition, FedEx Express will be increasing the number of hybrid-electrics and upgrading some of its conventional vehicle fleet to more energy-efficient vehicles.  Dennis Beal, vice president of Global Vehicles at FedEx Express said, “We are using efficient technologies that are readily available now, while investing in innovative technologies that we hope and believe can be vehicle workhorses for the future. Our goal has always been to optimize and operate our vehicle fleet in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner, so that emissions are reduced while serving our customers in the best possible manner.”  The new all-electric delivery vehicles will be used in New York City, Chicago and Memphis, all in the United States. (June 28, 2011)