Growth Energy outlines 2021 biofuel policy priorities
Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor has outlined the biofuels industry’s top federal priorities for 2021, highlighting key measures that elected leaders must take to protect the climate, revitalize rural communities, and offer more consumers clean, affordable options to fuel their cars.
“Biofuels, including plant-based ethanol, are critical tools for decarbonizing America’s existing transportation fleet and supporting our nation’s farmers and rural communities. Solvable challenges in this area await leaders in Congress and the next administration,” said Skor.
“As a climate solution,” Skor added, “biofuels will be key to meeting the nation’s goals for the transportation sector, America’s largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”
“To maximize the value of America’s low-carbon biofuels, it’s vital that officials address outstanding issues that are hindering our industry’s ability to access markets, promote innovation, and create rural jobs,” she said.
Specifically, Skor highlighted the association’s key priorities and opportunities where elected leaders can help reverse setbacks experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, promote better fuel choices, and protect the environment. These include:
Restoring integrity to the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)
- Reject outstanding small refinery exemptions (SREs) and apply the 10th Circuit court ruling nationwide moving forward
- Finalize strong Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs) for 2021 and restore the 500 million gallons remanded by the courts in 2017
- Set forward-leaning biofuel targets for 2023 and beyond
- Approve applications for the production of advanced, corn kernel fiber ethanol
Eliminating barriers to higher blends to accelerate market access
- Clarify rules around the use of existing fuel storage and dispensing equipment for E15
- Remove outdated labeling at the fuel pump
- Expand infrastructure for higher biofuel blends, including USDA’s Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP)
Expanding the role of biofuels in a clean energy future at home and abroad
- Promote innovation in biotechnology and sustainable agriculture
- Update and modernize federal GHG emissions modeling on biofuels based on the most up- to date science
- Utilize opportunities to decarbonize our nation’s transportation sector through the use of high octane, low-low carbon fuels
- Break down trade barriers to low-carbon ethanol in markets like Brazil, Mexico and China
- Leverage benefits of biofuels in the Paris Climate Accord
“Addressing these issues, in addition to continued support to stabilize the industry from the impacts of COVID-19, can bring significant economic benefits for rural communities across the country and bolster the incoming administration’s plans to Build Back Better. We look forward to working with leaders in Congress and the next administration to advance these important initiatives in renewable energy,” said Skor.
About Growth Energy
Growth Energy represents producers and supporters of ethanol working to bring consumers better choices at the fuel pump, grow America’s economy and improve the environment for future generations. For more information on our organization, visit GrowthEnergy.org.