ExxonMobil launches new wax product brand Prowaxx™
ExxonMobil Corporation is set to redefine the market with the launch of its new wax product brand, Prowaxx™. The brand, which officially kicked off on April 1, aims to provide a clearer, more differentiated product range to meet the evolving needs of customers. The launch of Prowaxx demonstrates a strategic intent to invest in the future of wax, creating a naming convention that is scalable for new offerings.
ExxonMobil, one of the largest international energy and petrochemical companies, is one of the leading players in the global wax market, particularly in the production of petroleum-based waxes. With strategically located production facilities worldwide, the company has a strong presence in the market due to its extensive product portfolio, which includes paraffin waxes, microcrystalline waxes, and specialty waxes. ExxonMobil’s waxes are used in a wide range of applications, including packaging, cosmetics, candles, and adhesives.
Kyle Davis, Global Specialties sales director at ExxonMobil Waxes, emphasised the significance of the new brand. “Prowaxx is more than just a new name,” he said, but a strategic move to invest in the future of wax. The brand’s architecture is designed to be scalable, offering a solid foundation for future product offerings and enabling easier customer decision-making through clear differentiation. Prowaxx serves as an anchor for the product portfolio with differentiation across wax types. The Prowaxx product line will include Fully Refined Wax, Semi-Refined Wax, and Slack Wax.
“Wax applications are constantly evolving, with customers continuously expecting more from our products,” said Davis. “By introducing Prowaxx, ExxonMobil Waxes is investing in the future of our business and those of our customers.”
ExxonMobil said it is committed to developing and employing product and process technology that allows the company to increase wax production throughout its global network. The company is manufacturing more wax by continuously developing an in-depth understanding of wax molecules, integrating operations to establish a 360-degree view of the wax-making process and maintaining a familiarity with the changing trends of various wax applications.
“The wax products our customers use will still be available — just under a new name,” Davis said, from slack wax for boardsizing to fully refined wax for candles and rheology applications.